Community Wildfire Protection Planning
The CWPP Committee in Sunshine meets regularly to work on a number of projects and ideas to help reduce the chances of another wildfire in our area. Projects range from installing new community cisterns to organizing free chipping of slash materials. Meetings are open to everyone. Check the Community Calendar for dates and times.
If you would like to learn more about CWPP, please contact Abby Silver or Alan Kirton at cwpp@sunshine-fpd.org.
Here are links to some important CWPP documents you might like to review.
There is the current Wildfire Protection Plan, the current list of projects the group is working on in 2024. And there is a document that outlines all the progress of the committee from 2008 - 2022.

Abby Silver talks about fire mitigation and the Wildfire Partners program at a community gathering in April, 2024.
Boulder West Wildfire Authority (BWWA)
In 2022, Four Mile, Sugarloaf, Sunshine, and Gold Hill signed an intergovernmental agreement establishing the Boulder West Wildfire Authority (BWWA). The purpose of the BWWA was to collaboratively pursue wildfire risk reduction for values at risk within the combined boundaries of the four districts. BWWA’s first order of business was to create a new Community Wildfire Protection Plan where the “Community” was defined as the four districts.
Two representatives were appointed by each district to form the CWPP Core Team. The core team were the authors of the new CWPP. The core team, along with additional fire district personnel, stakeholders, subject matter specialist, and residents in the study area contributed to define the wildfire risk for the districts and to develop a set of recommended solutions. The CWPP was completed mid-2023.
The IGA, which created the BWWA, also specified that an advisory committee would be formed of two members from each district. The Boulder West Advisory Committee (BWAC) is tasked with planning, coordinating, overseeing, and monitoring the BWWA wildfire risk reduction projects and programs. The BWAC is also responsible for providing periodic updates to the BWAA CWPP document with a goal of providing minor revisions on a yearly basis and more extensive updates every five years.